Know this before Job Interview

<p>Searching for a new job isn&#39;t always easy, whether you already have one or are currently<br />unemployed. But before you even start your search in earnest or send out applications, it&#39;s important to ensure you&rsquo;re fully prepared for the rigors of the process. Below are six must-do tips to help you ensure your job search goes as smoothly and quickly as possible:</p><p><br />(1) Clean up your social media<br />- When you apply for a job, one of the first thing hiring managers do is look you up on<br />social media, according to Glassdoor. While some people might think it&#39;s advisable to set<br />all your accounts to private and be done with it, there are some companies that might<br />frown on that, fearing you&#39;re hiding something. Instead, you should have at least a few<br />public, professional&nbsp;accounts - including on LinkedIn - that show off a bit of your<br />personality, but also your expertise in your chosen field.</p><p>(2) Do your research<br />- When your&#39;e thinking about applying to any given company, it makes sense to research<br />further. This will not only help you write your cover letter and provide more informed<br />answers in interviews, but often that effort will help you determine whether this is a<br />company you would even want to work for in the first place.</p><p>(3) Think about what you&rsquo;re looking for<br />- It can be tempting to apply to just about every job that&rsquo;s in an area of interest for you, but<br />it often pays to really consider what you want to do in both the short and long term,<br />according to The Muse. For instance, if you&rsquo;re applying to a lot of companies that<br />demand collaborative work, and you prefer to pursue goals on your own, that might allow<br />you to scratch a bunch of companies off the list straightaway.</p><p>(4) Consider your strategy<br />- There are many ways to do your job search, but not all of them are going to be right for you,<br />The Muse added. If you already have a job, your current employer may frown upon you actively looking for other work, so you might need to do more to keep your job search confidential.</p><p>(5) Write and edit pertinent documents<br />- While you should always strive to customize your cover letter and resume to the specific jobs you are applying for, it helps to at least have a well-done template in place, according to The Balance Careers. Of course, making sure whatever you send reads well and is free of any types or grammatical errors is a must.</p><p>(6) Contact your contacts<br />-One of the most effective ways of getting your application moved to the top of the pile, or find<br />out about positions you may be perfect for, is to get in touch with other people you know in your industry, The Balance noted. If you&rsquo;ve been in your field for even a year or two, you&rsquo;ve likely made connections with others in it, and they might be more than happy to help you through the job search process.</p>

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